Students’ Learning Strategies in Writing at the Eighth Semester Students of Muhammadiyah University of Kotabumi

Published: Feb 2, 2023


This study focuses on knowing the learning strategies used by students in Writing. Three types of strategy: metacognitive, cognitive and social affective learning strategies. This study aims to determine the learning strategies used by each student in the writing class and the second objective is to determine which learning strategies are dominantly used by them in the writing class. The method used in this study is a quantitative descriptive research method, with the research variable is learning strategies and a population of 48 Eighth Semester Students of English Education Study Program at Muhammadiyah University Kotabumi academic year 2021/2022. Samples were taken from the entire population using saturated sampling techniques. Having collected data by using a closed questionnaire with the Likert scale method, the data then analyzed by using statistical data consisting mean, median, mode and standard deviation. The result of the analysis showed that there are 22 students (45.8%) use metacognitive: 14 students (29.2%) used cognitive; 11 students (22.9%) use social affective. The analysis also showed variations involving two types of strategies, namely metacognitive-cognitive consisting of 1 student (2.1%). Thus, dominant learning strategies used by students in the Writing class in the eighth semester of the English Language Education Study Program at Muhammadiyah University Kotabumi for the academic year 2021/2022 is metacognitive which are used by 22 students with a percentage of reaching (45.8%).

1. : Learning strategies, Writing, Learning Process
Fahmi Ardika
How to Cite
Ardika, F. (2023). Students’ Learning Strategies in Writing at the Eighth Semester Students of Muhammadiyah University of Kotabumi. Griya Cendikia, 8(1), 273–284. Retrieved from