Pengembangan Sikap Mandiri Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Melalui Sistem Pembelajaran Daring pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Published: Feb 16, 2021


The Covid-19 pandemic has created a problem that makes the learning process unable to be carried out conventionally. This is what underlies the Kotabumi Muhammadiyah University students to hold tutoring activities. This activity aims to provide knowledge and learning about Indonesian subject matter, alleviate student learning difficulties in understanding the material provided by the teacher, and develop students' abilities so that they can be independent in learning when learning is carried out online. The subjects of this activity are several junior high school students living in the village of Semuli Raya. During the implementation of tutoring activities, students are joined in small groups of 4 to 5 people and the material is delivered using the lecture, discussion, and question and answer method. The results of this activity indicate that students understand more easily Indonesian language subject matter after tutoring activities are carried out and students are more motivated to be active in learning and can improve their learning independence.

Antonia Cahyani Ade Saputri
How to Cite
Cahyani Ade Saputri, A. . (2021). Pengembangan Sikap Mandiri Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Melalui Sistem Pembelajaran Daring pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Griya Cendikia, 6(1), 18–29.