Griya Cendikia

Griya Cendikia (P-ISSN: 2503-3255) is regularly published twice a year in February and August. The procedure starts with the submission process, review, revision, plagiarism check, and finally publish. Griya Cendikia is a journal that contains articles in the form of critical analysis writing, the results of research in the field of education. Regarding Copyrights: (1) The copyright of all journal manuscripts is held by Griya Cendikia; (2) Formal legal provisions for accessing digital articles of electronic journa... Readmore

Griya Cendikia (P-ISSN: 2503-3255) is regularly published twice a year in February and August. The procedure starts with the submission process, review, revision, plagiarism check, and finally publish. Griya Cendikia is a journal that contains articles in the form of critical analysis writing, the results of research in the field of education. Regarding Copyrights: (1) The copyright of all journal manuscripts is held by Griya Cendikia; (2) Formal legal provisions for accessing digital articles of electronic journals are subject to the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC-BY), which means that Griya Cendikia Journal has the right to store, transfer media/format, manage in the form of a d... Readmore

2503-3255 (printed) | (online)


Revitalisasi Semangat Belajar di Tengah Pandemi Melalui Metode Team Teaching

Learning is an activity that every human being, especially children, is the spearhead of the future. One of the efforts that can be made to motivate children's learning enthusiasm in the midst of a pandemic is to form a learning guidance forum. Team Teaching is a learning model that is able to streamline learning activities in teams or in groups. This activity was carried out in IV Trimulyo Hamlet by Students of the Kotabumi Muhammadiyah University Real Work Lecture. The target of this activity is children at the elementary school level in Dusun IV Trimulyo. With this activity, it is hoped that children will receive assistance and guidance during online learning and can motivate learning in the midst of a pandemic. This service activity was successfully carried out and could provide real experiences for students and children of IV Trimulyo hamlet

Pengembangan Sikap Mandiri Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Melalui Sistem Pembelajaran Daring pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has created a problem that makes the learning process unable to be carried out conventionally. This is what underlies the Kotabumi Muhammadiyah University students to hold tutoring activities. This activity aims to provide knowledge and learning about Indonesian subject matter, alleviate student learning difficulties in understanding the material provided by the teacher, and develop students' abilities so that they can be independent in learning when learning is carried out online. The subjects of this activity are several junior high school students living in the village of Semuli Raya. During the implementation of tutoring activities, students are joined in small groups of 4 to 5 people and the material is delivered using the lecture, discussion, and question and answer method. The results of this activity indicate that students understand more easily Indonesian language subject matter after tutoring activities are carried out and students are more motivated to be active in learning and can improve their learning independence.

Memaksimalkan Esensi Pendidikan di dalam Kultur Masyarakat Desa Kinciran Melalui Ruang Cendikia

Improving the quality of education will always have an impact on the implementation of the quality of education, until now literacy is still an effective tool in increasing knowledge. Education is an effort to control the value of ignorance in humans so that the essence of education can be achieved. As a professional educator, he must have innovations that can improve the quality of education. The village is an area that has a strong community of culture and culture, so there needs to be new educational innovations, one form of innovation, namely "Cendikia Room". The intellectual room is one of the assistive media in the educational process. Through a scholarly room that was established in Kinciran village, it can provide motivation and education about knowledge to students. The target of this activity is so that educators can devote their knowledge in the village, and students can be motivated by the existence of this scholar house

Bantuan Belajar Bagi Siswa selama Pembelajaran Daring di Kelurahan Kotabumi Udik LK 01

Covid-19 hit almost all countries around the world.  The virus from Wuhan China has also hit the only country of Indonesia.  This virus has claimed many lives in Indonesia, and every day the number of Indonesians who are affected by this virus is increasing.  So that the government requires large-scale social restriction activities (PSBB) to reduce the number of residents exposed to the corona virus.  As a result of the PSBB, many activities were paralyzed and they could not walk as usual.  Many employees do not work in their workplaces and have to work from home, some have had low business due to this pandemic, some have had to be laid off and laid off.  In addition, the education sector in Indonesia is paralyzed.  Schools and universities cannot carry out teaching and learning activities as usual and require teaching and learning online.  This article aims to carry out activities to help students from the second grade of elementary school to the sixth grade of elementary school in online learning during the Covid 19 Pandemic in Kotabumi Udik Village.

Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Motivasi Kuliah Untuk Remaja Dusun Garuda Makmur Desa Semuli Raya

motivation is defined as an internal condition that arouses us to act, encourages us to achieve certain goals, and keeps us interested in certain activities. College motivation activities are a form of activity that aims to increase the willingness to continue education to a higher level after graduating from SMA / SMK. This activity is carried out by providing reasons, encouragement and a description of the level of higher education so that it is hoped that the youth of Garuda Makmur Hamlet, Semuli Raya Village can increase motivation to study

Optimalisasi Potensi, Minat dan Bakat Anak-Anak Desa Kinciran Untuk Kemajuan Potensi SDM di Desa Kinciran

Every child has different potential, interests and talents. Special gifted children whose potential is optimized and correctly stimulated can become one of the quality human resources owned by the state, compared to children who do not get the correct stimulation. Stimulation is a variety of stimuli, such as play opportunities, learning facilities, or materials (such as stories or readings), which can trigger children to learn or process teaching. Optimal is the highest condition where it is possible for someone or something to do without destroying the elements that are in place. Potentials are specific things that exist in children, which are more visible when compared to other children their age. Interest is a strong impetus for someone to do everything he wants. A talent set is a basic trait, intelligence and innate nature. Talent itself can be interpreted as a person's basic ability to learn in a relatively short time compared to others, but the results are even better. In short, this is the potential that a person has as innate. The purpose of this research is to optimize the potential, interests and talents of children in Kinciran Village for the advancement of the potential of human resources in the future, namely to find out and make solutions so that the children of Kinciran Village have the direction and space to shape their character so that they are able to understand what potential they have and really. important for his future. This research contains the reasons and the process of optimizing the potential, interests and talents of children in Kinciran Village, therefore we can research and know that optimizing the potential, interests and talents possessed by children, especially in the Kinciran village, is very important in realized for the advancement of Kinciran Village

Peningkatan Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris Siswa Melalui Program Teras Belajar di Desa Kotanegara Ilir

Language is a tool for humans communication. English is an international language used to communicate between countries. English language skill is needed because it is currently an era of globalization. So we need a way to improve English language skill, namely through the Teras Belajar program. The purpose of this activity is to improve students’ English language skill. The target of this activity is students of Elementary School in Kotanegara Ilir village

Potensi Usaha Rumahan di Desa Kali Cinta

Kali cinta Village, Lampung Utara Regency, Talang Batin Hamlet, namely the potential for home-based business that is developed independently by it resident. The home business is able to open jobs on a small scale. This article aim to describe the home business that is developing in Kali cinta village in term of the concept of micro business, and the method used was observation and interviews. The home business that is developing in the village of Kali cinta is the business of making Oyek-oyek. Therefore, it can be concluded that in Kali cinta village there is a potential for home-based business in the form of micro enterprise. This company is run by the family by involving workers from the family itself or from neighbors. Micro enterprise in Kali cinta village is able to provide employment, at least for families, with an average income sufficient to pay for their daily needs. Kali cinta village officials support existing home business because they provide benefits for Kali cinta villagers

Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Cerpen Melalui Strategi Pemodelan Siswa SD Negeri 01 Mulyorejo I Kecamatan Bunga Mayang Kabupaten Lampung Utara

Indonesian Language and Literature Education is one of the study programs at the Muhammadiyah University, Kotabumi. A professional attitude for an educator is important. One of the efforts that can be made to improve the professionalism is the collaboration between students and students. Training and mentoring activities for students are carried out to create a work for Indonesian Language Teachers. The target of this activity is SD N 01 Mulyorejo Satu students. The target of this service activity is for students to master the concept of short story material and then be able to make their own short stories. This activity was successfully carried out by students to students at SD N 01 Mulyorejo Satu

Kids Study Club: Mempelajari Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggris dengan Menggunakan Strategi Fun Learning di Desa Sindang Sari Lk 1 pasa Masa Pandemi Covid-19

The covis-19 virus has spread throughout the world, one of the countries that has been infected is Indonesia. School activities had to be closed and replaced by learning from home. Some children have difficulty learning online, especially in learning English. Therefore, students participating in the Mandiri KKN Muhammadiyah Kotabumi University hold a course program (sw course) that focuses on learning English and seeks to help mastering English vocabulary for elementary school students in Sindang Sari Bawah LK 1 village using the fun strategy. learning or learning fun. This strategy is very effective to use to make it easier for children to learn English vocabulary and to develop children's creativity. This independent KKN activity is expected to help children in learning during the Covid-19 pandemic

Pengabdian Masyarakat di Jl Cendana RT 01 LK 04 Oleh Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi Tahun 2020

Independent KKN (Real Work Lecture) is one of the compulsory courses for students of the Muhammadiyah Kotabumi University to devote themselves to the community. KNN is a form of activity where students serve the community for about 1 month, move and go down directly to overcome problems that exist in the community. The work programs that have been implemented are in the fields of education, al-Islam and Muhammadiyah and counseling and prevention of Covid19. The results of the activities of each field of the compulsory KKN work program are 1) helping students in online learning, 2) helping students in solving problems in online learning difficulties, 3) re-running the recitation of mothers, 4) implementing TPA for children children, 5) conveyed the dangers of the covid 19 virus, and 6) distributed health masks and provided washing hands in public places. Thus the independent KKN work program of the Muhammadiyah Kotabumi University in 2020/2021 has been going well.

Balai Pintar: Pusat Pengadaan Bimbingan Belajar di Era Covid-19 Pekon Sukarame Belalau Lampung Barat

Covid-19 is a dangerous disease outbreak that has now spread throughout the world. In Indonesia, Covid-19 has spread very quickly, starting in early March 2020 until now, which has had a major impact on the economy, health, especially education. In this case, many countries have decided to close schools, including Indonesia, which has to make decisions to close schools. This is very felt by the people of Indonesia, especially students who have to accept the bitter reality, where they have to study at home or study online without meeting face to face as usual. In a pandemic like this, online learning is one of the problems experienced by students. Especially, students (SD) at Pekon Sukarame Belalau who have just entered school have greatly felt the impact of online / online learning that has been implemented since the Covid-19 pandemic which resulted in a lack of understanding of students about the lessons explained online. The location of the volunteer pekon is too far from urban areas and is on a hill surrounded by trees which results in difficulty getting a signal or the internet and limited mastery of information technology by students. Based on these problems, the authors carried out community service through the University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi Real Work Lecture (KKN) activity in the Covid 19 era. the covid-19 pandemic while still implementing health protocols.

Analisis Kesalahan Gramatikal Bahasa Lampung dalam Berita Televisi Lokal Berbahasa Lampung

Kajian Sintaksis dan Semantis

This study explores the grammatical errors of the Lampung language that occur in local television news in Lampung language by using syntactic and semantic studies. The purpose of this research is to describe the grammatical errors of the Lampung language and provide solutions in the form of policies to overcome these problems. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method using several techniques in data collection through observation and documentation study. The research data is the result of tapping records of news in Lampung language from local television in Lampung province.

Pelatihan Keterampilan Debat Bagi Siswa SMA Al-Azhar 3 Bandar Lampung

The aim of this community service is to improve language skills, especially the students 'speaking skills through debate techniques and improve the students' ability to use good and correct language through debate practice at SMA Al-Azhar 3 Bandar Lampung. The method used in this training is carried out in the form of training activities. As for the technical training, before this training was held, we first informed the principal at the service location that LPPM Unila will hold training on debate skills for high school students. For this reason, the principal is expected to be able to collect data on all students at SMA Al-Azhar 3 Bandarlampung who will participate in this training. The target participants in this training are 40 students. This activity will be carried out at SMA Al-Azhar 3 Bandarlampung within three days in August 2020. Furthermore, this debate skills training will apply active training, in which all participants learn through their experiences so that the planned goals can be obtained optimally. This training will use a practical approach through guided training. The methods used in this training are lectures, question and answer, discussion, demonstrations, and assignments.

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