Optimalisasi Potensi, Minat dan Bakat Anak-Anak Desa Kinciran Untuk Kemajuan Potensi SDM di Desa Kinciran

Published: Feb 16, 2021


Every child has different potential, interests and talents. Special gifted children whose potential is optimized and correctly stimulated can become one of the quality human resources owned by the state, compared to children who do not get the correct stimulation. Stimulation is a variety of stimuli, such as play opportunities, learning facilities, or materials (such as stories or readings), which can trigger children to learn or process teaching. Optimal is the highest condition where it is possible for someone or something to do without destroying the elements that are in place. Potentials are specific things that exist in children, which are more visible when compared to other children their age. Interest is a strong impetus for someone to do everything he wants. A talent set is a basic trait, intelligence and innate nature. Talent itself can be interpreted as a person's basic ability to learn in a relatively short time compared to others, but the results are even better. In short, this is the potential that a person has as innate. The purpose of this research is to optimize the potential, interests and talents of children in Kinciran Village for the advancement of the potential of human resources in the future, namely to find out and make solutions so that the children of Kinciran Village have the direction and space to shape their character so that they are able to understand what potential they have and really. important for his future. This research contains the reasons and the process of optimizing the potential, interests and talents of children in Kinciran Village, therefore we can research and know that optimizing the potential, interests and talents possessed by children, especially in the Kinciran village, is very important in realized for the advancement of Kinciran Village

1. Optimization
2. Potential
3. Interests
4. Talents
5. Children
Uswati Husna
How to Cite
Husna, U. . (2021). Optimalisasi Potensi, Minat dan Bakat Anak-Anak Desa Kinciran Untuk Kemajuan Potensi SDM di Desa Kinciran . Griya Cendikia, 6(1), 52–59. https://doi.org/10.47637/griya-cendikia.v6i1.28