Kids Study Club: Mempelajari Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggris dengan Menggunakan Strategi Fun Learning di Desa Sindang Sari Lk 1 pasa Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Published: Feb 16, 2021


The covis-19 virus has spread throughout the world, one of the countries that has been infected is Indonesia. School activities had to be closed and replaced by learning from home. Some children have difficulty learning online, especially in learning English. Therefore, students participating in the Mandiri KKN Muhammadiyah Kotabumi University hold a course program (sw course) that focuses on learning English and seeks to help mastering English vocabulary for elementary school students in Sindang Sari Bawah LK 1 village using the fun strategy. learning or learning fun. This strategy is very effective to use to make it easier for children to learn English vocabulary and to develop children's creativity. This independent KKN activity is expected to help children in learning during the Covid-19 pandemic

1. vocabulary
2. fun learning
3. English language
Fani Anggrani
How to Cite
Anggrani, F. . (2021). Kids Study Club: Mempelajari Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggris dengan Menggunakan Strategi Fun Learning di Desa Sindang Sari Lk 1 pasa Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Griya Cendikia, 6(1), 84–91.