Balai Pintar: Pusat Pengadaan Bimbingan Belajar di Era Covid-19 Pekon Sukarame Belalau Lampung Barat

Published: Feb 16, 2021


Covid-19 is a dangerous disease outbreak that has now spread throughout the world. In Indonesia, Covid-19 has spread very quickly, starting in early March 2020 until now, which has had a major impact on the economy, health, especially education. In this case, many countries have decided to close schools, including Indonesia, which has to make decisions to close schools. This is very felt by the people of Indonesia, especially students who have to accept the bitter reality, where they have to study at home or study online without meeting face to face as usual. In a pandemic like this, online learning is one of the problems experienced by students. Especially, students (SD) at Pekon Sukarame Belalau who have just entered school have greatly felt the impact of online / online learning that has been implemented since the Covid-19 pandemic which resulted in a lack of understanding of students about the lessons explained online. The location of the volunteer pekon is too far from urban areas and is on a hill surrounded by trees which results in difficulty getting a signal or the internet and limited mastery of information technology by students. Based on these problems, the authors carried out community service through the University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi Real Work Lecture (KKN) activity in the Covid 19 era. the covid-19 pandemic while still implementing health protocols.

1. Covid-19
2. KKN
3. Online Learning
4. Tutoring (Balai Pintar)
5. Education
Annisa Oktariani
How to Cite
Oktariani, A. . (2021). Balai Pintar: Pusat Pengadaan Bimbingan Belajar di Era Covid-19 Pekon Sukarame Belalau Lampung Barat. Griya Cendikia, 6(1), 102–112.