Published: Feb 26, 2021


Democracy is a form of government of the Indonesian State in which all citizens have equal rights in making decisions that can change their lives. Democracy provides many important meanings which, when described and applied, will make state life feel just and comfortable. One of the important parts of democracy is freedom, which is a state that is not disturbed, is not obstructed, etc. so that it can move, speak and act freely. Fundamental freedoms include freedom to associate, assemble and express opinions. As a means of association to unite various similarities, community organizations were chosen by the Indonesian people to be used as a forum for participating in realizing national development in order to achieve the goals of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila. Issue or express an opinion is to convey what is an interest, desire or hope. What needs to be underlined here is that freedom in expressing opinions is not freedom without limits, but is free with due observance to the applicable legal rules. In terms of realizing democracy in the order of life in society, nation and state, every individual should be guided by the principle of balance between rights and obligations so that in its implementation will get benefits and participation and creativity in democracy that can be achieved. Nowadays we often encounter community organizations expressing opinions in public to show their active role in realizing freedom in the state. But what is unfortunate is that sometimes this freedom is misinterpreted as something absolute without any certain limitations so that there are Ormas elements who commit criminal acts and / or violence against security forces guarding the expression of opinions. In North Lampung Regency, one of the community organizations that has been formed is the Army and Community Family, abbreviated as KBTM. In mid-May 2018, members of the KBTM mass organization were involved in a violent incident against a TNI member from Kodim 0412 LU.

The purpose of this study was to determine the investigation process by the National Police of civil society organizations who committed violence against security forces in public expression activities and to find out the legal consequences for individuals in community organizations who commit violence against security officers. The results of this study indicate that 1. Persons of mass organizations who commit violence against security forces in their activities to convey their opinions in public will receive legal action in the form of investigations by the National Police and, 2. Individual organizations that commit violence against security forces will receive legal consequences.

1. Legal Action
2. Ormas
3. Violence
4. Expressing Public Opinions
Meta Wahyu Tanto
How to Cite
Tanto, M. W. . (2021). TINDAKAN HUKUM POLRI TERHADAP OKNUM ORMAS YANG MELAKUKAN KEKERASAN KEPADA APARAT KEAMANAN DALAM MENYAMPAIKAN PENDAPAT DIMUKA UMUM. Petitum, 1(1), 73–82. Retrieved from https://juma.umko.ac.id/index.php/petitum/article/view/117