Griya Cendikia

Griya Cendikia (P-ISSN: 2503-3255) is regularly published twice a year in February and August. The procedure starts with the submission process, review, revision, plagiarism check, and finally publish. Griya Cendikia is a journal that contains articles in the form of critical analysis writing, the results of research in the field of education. Regarding Copyrights: (1) The copyright of all journal manuscripts is held by Griya Cendikia; (2) Formal legal provisions for accessing digital articles of electronic journa... Readmore

Griya Cendikia (P-ISSN: 2503-3255) is regularly published twice a year in February and August. The procedure starts with the submission process, review, revision, plagiarism check, and finally publish. Griya Cendikia is a journal that contains articles in the form of critical analysis writing, the results of research in the field of education. Regarding Copyrights: (1) The copyright of all journal manuscripts is held by Griya Cendikia; (2) Formal legal provisions for accessing digital articles of electronic journals are subject to the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC-BY), which means that Griya Cendikia Journal has the right to store, transfer media/format, manage in the form of a d... Readmore

2503-3255 (printed) | 2985-3095 (online)


Analisis Afiksasi pada Lirik Lagu Betharia Sonata dalam Album Hati yang Luka sebagai Alternatif Bahan Ajar di Sekolah Menengah Atas

Permasalahan pada penelitian ini, yaitu penggunaan afiksasi pada lirik lagu Betharia Sonata dalam album Hati yang Luka sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan penggunaan afiksasi pada lirik lagu Betharia Sonata dalam album Hati yang Luka. Manfaat penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan ilmu morfologi, menambah pengetahuan, dan dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar. Metode yang digunakan deskriptif pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara menandai dan mencatat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 65 data afiksasi dalam lirik lagu Betharia Sonata dalam album Hati yang Luka, yaitu; prefiks 50 data, sufiks 3 data,  konfiks 9 data, dan klofiks 3 data. Berdasarkan kriteria pemilihan bahan ajar,  lirik lagu Betharia Sonata dalam album Hati yang Luka layak dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas berdasarkan tiga aspek yaitu aspek bahasa, aspek psikologis, dan aspek latar belakang budaya siswa.

Analisis Kohesi dalam Kumpulan Puisi Mimpi Hujan di Hotel Hitam Karya Djuhardi Basri sebagai Alternatif Bahan Ajar di Sekolah Menengah Atas

Masalah yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini yaitu “Analisis Kohesi dalam Kumpulan Puisi Mimpi Hujan di Hotel Hitam Karya Djuhardi Basri sebagai Alternatif Bahan Ajar di Sekolah Menengah Atas”. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan Analisis Kohesi dalam Kumpulan Puisi Mimpi Hujan di Hotel Hitam Karya Djuhardi Basri sebagai Alternatif Bahan Ajar di Sekolah Menengah Atas. Manfaat dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui Analisis Kohesi dalam Kumpulan Puisi Mimpi Hujan di Hotel Hitam Karya Djuhardi Basri sebagai Alternatif Bahan Ajar di Sekolah Menengah Atas. Kohesi Gramatikal berjumlah 34 data. Kohesi Leksikal berjumlah 12 data. Berdasarkan kriteria pemilihan bahan ajar, puisi Mimpi Hujan di Hotel Hitam karya Djuhardi Basri memenuhi kriteria yang baik sehingga layak dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas.

Peningkatan Kemampuan Guru dalam Pengelolaan PBM dengan Teknik Classroom Visition di SMKN 2 Kotabumi Semester 2 Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022

Improving the ability of teachers in PBM management with classroom visition techniques at SMKN 2 Kotabumi Semester 2 of the 2021/2022 Academic Year is the focus of this research. School Action Research, where research is carried out to solve problems in the learning process in schools is a type of research. In principle, the implementation of academic supervision activities with the classroom visitation technique carried out by the principal is proven to improve the ability of teachers to manage the learning process at SMKN 2 Kotabumi in Semester 2 of the 2021/2022 Academic Year is the result of this research.


Abstract Problems often faced by students while writing. They are often stuck and seem to have difficulty expressing their ideas in writing. From the assessment done by the lecturer, it is often found many errors in the students' writing on chapter reports. Finally, most of the errors are found in the content aspect, such as grammatical, vocabulary, punctuation, etc. what are the students' difficulties in writing recount text at the second Semester of the University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi academic year 2021/2022?”The purpose of this research is to determine students' abilities and to explore students' difficulties in writing recount texts. In this study, the researcher took the second semester as the subject. The second semester class consisted of 37 students. In this case, the researcher took 3 second semester students for writing tests and interviews as the research instruments. The results of the study show that the results that can be concluded are that the difficulties faced by students are still grammatical difficulties, spelling errors, and they have limited vocabulary to choose the appropriate diction. It is recommended for lecturers to give students more practice in writing to improve their vocabulary and grammar in writing recount texts.

Analisis Hiponim pada Kumpulan Lagu Karya Ebit G. Ade sebagai Alternatif Bahan Ajar di Sekolah Menengah Atas

Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah hiponim yang terdapat pada kumpulan lagu karya Ebit G. Ade. Lirik lagu tersebut akan dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah digunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang terdapat pada kumpulan lagu karya Ebit G. Ade serta menentukan layak atau tidaknya kumpulan lagu tersebut dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan 56 data hiponim. Dari aspek bahan ajar, kumpulan lagu tersebut telah memenuhi kriteria dari aspek bahasa, psikologi, dan latar belakang budaya sehingga layak dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar bagi peserta didik di sekolah menengah atas.  Kata kunci: Bahan ajar, Ebit G. Ade, hiponim, kumpulan lagu.  

An Analysis of Politeness Strategies on Students Communications in Second Semester of English Education Department at Muhammadiyah Kotabumi University Academic Year 2021/2022

This research was conducted in order to find out politeness strategies used on Students Communications. The first objective of this research was finding out the types of politeness strategies used by students' communications in the second semester of Pre-intermediate Listening Subject English Education at Muhammadiyah Kotabumi University and the second objective was finding out the dominant type of the politeness strategies that used on students' communications in the second semester of Pre-intermediate Listening Subject English Education at Muhammadiyah Kotabumi University. Those two objectives were analyzed by using Brown and Levinson’s theory of politeness strategy. In this research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative research as the research method. The data of this research are communication taken from students in the second semester of Pre-intermediate Listening Subject. The data collection of this research were observation and documentation. The researcher did some step to analyze the data, namely; data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The researcher did technique of data validation used methodological triangulation. The researcher used Brown and Levinson‟s politeness strategies theory, namely; Bald on Record, Positive Politeness, Negative Politeness, and Off Record. From the data analysis, it can be concluded that on students' communcation in the second semester of Pre-intermediate Listening Subject, there were four Politeness Strategies used. There were 4 Bald on Record, 36 Positive Politeness, 15 Negative Politeness, and 3 Off Record found from students’ communication. From the analysis researcher found out that students' used Positive Politeness more often than other strategies, it means that the dominant type of Politeness Strategy used is Positive Politeness.


Abstract: The researcher was interested in carrying out a research entitled; Students’ Speaking Ability under the Use of Interactive E-Module in Fourth Semester Students of English Education Study Program at Muhammadiyah Kotabumi University Academic Year 2021/2022. The research was aimed to describe what is the level of students’ speaking ability under the use of Interactive E-Module in fourth semester students of English Education study program at Muhammadiyah Kotabumi University academic year 2021/2022. This research was done at fourth semester students of English Education study program at Muhammadiyah Kotabumi University. The method of this research was descriptive  quantitative. The sample were 44 students. The researcher used total sampling technique to select the sample. In collecting the data, the researcher used speaking test in form of retelling short movie. Furthermore, students would be assessed by two raters using a speaking assessment component that contains aspects of speaking such as: pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, fluency, and comprehension. In analyzing the data, researcher used descriptive statistics and tendency data. From the analysis, it could be concluded that the students’ speaking ability under the use of Interactive E-Module in fourth semester students of English Education study program was Good. The most dominant score level obtained by the students which 45% was categorized to Good. Interactive E-Module also made students more active and motivated during the speaking learning. Key words: Speaking Ability, Interactive E-Module, Speaking Assessment   Abstrak: Peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian yang berjudul; Kemampuan Berbicara Mahasiswa dengan Penggunaan Interactive E-Module Pada Mahasiswa Semester IV Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana tingkat kemampuan berbicara mahasiswa dalam penggunaan Interactive E-Module pada mahasiswa semester empat program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi tahun ajaran 2021/2022. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada mahasiswa semester IV program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian adalah 44 siswa. Peneliti menggunakan teknik total sampling untuk memilih sampel. Selanjutnya, siswa akan dinilai oleh dua orang penilai menggunakan komponen penilaian berbicara yang berisi aspek-aspek berbicara seperti: pengucapan, kosakata, tata bahasa, kelancaran, dan pemahaman. Dalam mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan tes berbicara dalam bentuk menceritakan kembali film pendek. Dalam menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan data tendensi. Dari analisis tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan berbicara siswa di bawah penggunaan Interactive E-Module pada mahasiswa semester empat program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris adalah Baik. Level skor paling dominan diperoleh siswa yaitu 45% berkategori Baik. E-Module Interaktif juga membuat siswa lebih aktif dan termotivasi selama pembelajaran berbicara. Kata kunci: Kemampuan Berbicara, E-Module Interaktif, Penilaian Berbicara

Penggunaan Diksi dalam Instagram pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dan Implikasinya dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa di Sekolah Menengah Atas

Masalah yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah penggunaan diksi dalam Instagram pada mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dan implikasinya dalam pembelajaran bahasa di sekolah menengah atas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan penggunaan diksi dalam Instagram pada mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Setelah dilakukan penelitian dan analisis data, ditemukan sebanyak 189 data dari 47 akun penggunaan diksi. Data penggunaan diksi tersebut meliputi 8 kata bersinonim, 75 kata bermakna denotasi, 21 kata bermakna konotasi, 4 kata umum, 2 kata khusus, 10 kata populer, 56 kata kajian, dan 22 slang.

Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Media Digital Animasi Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Lingkaran Kelas VIII MTS Negeri 1 Lampung Utara

Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Media Digital Animasi Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Lingkaran. ini dilatar belakangi oleh kurangnya ketertarikan peserta didik terhadap media pembelajaran berupa file word yang diberikan guru sehingga menjadi salah satu faktor kurang pemahaman konsep peserta didik pada materi lingkaran dan unsur - unsur. Metode penelitian dan pengembangan pada penelitian ini menggunakan model Sugiyono, penggunaan model Sugiyono pada penelitian ini dibatasi sampai pada tujuh tahapan yaitu : 1) potensi masalah, 2) pengumpulan data, 3) desain produk, 4) Validasi desain, 5) revisi desain, 6) ujicoba produk, 7) revisi produk. Pembatasan metode penelitian ini dilator belakangi oleh keterbatasan waktu dan biaya. Jenis data pada penelitian ini berupa data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif. Tujuan dari pengembangan ini untuk mengetahui proses pegembangan media pembelajaran, kelayakan media pembelajaran dan kepraktisan media pembelajaran. Produk yang dihasilkan pada penelitian ini berupa media pembelajaran berbentuk video pada materi lingkaran dan unsur-unsur di kelas VIII. Media pembelajaran ini telah melalui tahapan pembuatan kemudian dilakukan uji validasitas, uji kepraktisan, dan respon siswa terhadap media pembelajaran. Hasil dari uji validasi oleh ahli materi adalah 90% dengan kategori “Sangat valid ‘’. Hasil validasi ahli media 96% dengan kategori “ Sangat valid”. Hasil ahli bahasa adalah 96 % dengan kategori “ Sangat Valid’’. Hasil dari praktisi pendidikan 90% dengan kategori “sangat valid”. Hasil dari respon siswa 90% dengan kategori “sangat menarik”. Berdasarkan penilaian dari validator dan praktisi pendidikan serta respon pesertra didik, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk Video Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Media Digital Animasi Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Lingkaran layak diuji cobakan dalam skala besar sebagai media pembelajaran berbentuk video.

Analisis Frasa Endosentris Cerpen Bulan Kuning Sudah Tenggelam Karya Ahmad Tohari sebagai Alternatif Bahan Ajar di Sekolah Menengah Atas

Abstrak: Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini ialah frasa endosentris cerpen Bulan Kuning Sudah Tenggelam karya Ahmad Tohari sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui frasa endosentris pada cerpen tersebut dan dapat dipakai sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  adanya jenis frasa endosentris atributif dan koordinatif. Berdasarkan kriteria pemilihan bahan ajar, cerpen Bulan Kuning Sudah Tenggelam sudah sesuai dengan kriteria yang ada sehingga patut dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas.   Kata kunci: Ahmad Tohari, Bulan Kuning Sudah Tenggelam, frasa endosentris.

The Factors Effecting Students' Lack Ability in Writing Narrative Text for Eight Graders of SMP Negeri 05 Kotabumi Academic Year 2021/2022

ABSTRACT In this study, the researcher discusses the factors effecting students' lack ability in writing narrative texts for eight graders of SMP Negeri 05 Kotabumi academic year 2021/2022. The researcher used descriptive qualitative research methods and the instruments used were data documents and interviews. The data collection technique used by the researcher was an in-depth interview technique with 18 students of class VIIIA. The results of this study illustrate there are 2 factors that effecting the students' lack of ability in writing narrative texts. Internal factors consist of health, interests, talents and motivation. The results of the research on students' internal health factors had no problems, there were 16 students who were not interested, there were 15 students who felt were not talent, and 12 students felt they did not motivation. External factors consist of family, surrounding environment and school. The results of external factors the students' families there were no problems, there were 15 students who did not receive support from the surrounding environment, and there was 1 student who had problems at school. Of the two factors, the most dominant factor influencing the students' lack of ability in writing narrative texts is the internal factor of interest.   ABSTRAK Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti membahas faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kurangnya kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks naratif siswa kelas delapan SMP Negeri 05 Kotabumi tahun ajaran 2021/2022. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan instrumen yang digunakan adalah dokumen data dan wawancara. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan peneliti adalah teknik wawancara mendalam dengan 18 siswa kelas VIIIA. Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan ada 2 faktor yang mempengaruhi kurangnya kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks naratif. Faktor internal terdiri dari kesehatan, minat, bakat dan motivasi. Hasil penelitian faktor kesehatan internal siswa tidak ada masalah, ada 16 siswa yang tidak berminat, ada 15 siswa yang merasa tidak berbakat, dan 12 siswa merasa tidak termotivasi. Faktor eksternal terdiri dari keluarga, lingkungan sekitar dan sekolah. Hasil faktor eksternal keluarga siswa tidak ada masalah, ada 15 siswa yang tidak mendapat dukungan dari lingkungan sekitar, dan ada 1 siswa yang bermasalah di sekolah. Dari kedua faktor tersebut, faktor yang paling dominan mempengaruhi kurangnya kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks naratif adalah faktor internal minat.

Factors That Affect The Low Achievement of Students’ English Learning At The Tenth Grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Kotabumi Academic Year 2021/2022

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine student achievement and the factors that influence student achievement in the tenth grade English subject at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Kotabumi for the academic year 2021/2022. The purpose of this study is to describe  What are the factors that influence the low English learning achievement of tenth graders at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Kotabumi?  In this study, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive research method.  The data of this study were taken from the interviews of tenth grade English teachers and tenth graders.  The instrument used in this research was the interview.  In this study , the data collection used by the researcher was an in - depth interview technique .  The results of this study illustrate that in fact there are two factors that influence students' low achievement in learning English.  The two factors are internal factors and external factors.  In internal factors there are problems of intelligence, attitude, and motivation, while problems with external factors consist of family environmental, school environmental, and community environmental.   Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui prestasi belajar siswa dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi rendahnya prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Bahasa inggris kelas sepuluh di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Kotabumi Tahun ajaran 2021/2022. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan Bagaimana faktor yang mempengaruhi rendahnya prestasi belajar bahasa inggris siswa kelas sepuluh di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Kotabumi .  Dalam penelitian ini , peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif .  Data dari penelitian ini diambil dari hasil wawancara guru bahasa inggris kelas sepuluh dan siswa kelas sepuluh .  Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara .  Dalam penelitian ini , pengumpulan data yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah teknik wawancara mendalam .  Hasil dari penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa ternyata ada dua faktor yang mempengaruhi rendahnya prestasi belajar bahasa inggris siswa.  Kedua faktor itu adalah faktor internal dan faktor eksternal.  Di dalam faktor internal terdapat masalah kecerdasan, sikap, and motivasi, sedangkan masalah pada faktor eksternal terdiri dari lingkungan keluarga, lingkungan sekolah, dan lingkungan masyarakat.

The Correlation Between Students' Motivation in Learning English and Their Writing Ability in Descriptive Text at The Eight Grade of MTsN 01 Lampung Utara Academic Year 2022/2023.

English is one of the most commonly used as a language of communication of people from different country. In learning English there are some skills that should be mastered by the students, one of them is writing descriptive text. Descriptive text is kind of text that the main idea is delivered by describing in detail object, place, or events for the readers. The students are expected to be able mastery writing skill. But in fact, there are many students still feel difficult in writing correctly.The strategy can be done by the teacher or the students themselves to increase student motivation. Motivation is a term that is already common in regular speech to encourage individual or a group students to take an active role in their studies or employment in learning english specifcally descriptive text. The problem in this research is students feel writing descriptve text and lack of student’s learning motvatiion in writing descriptive text . objective of the research is conducted to find out whether there is significant correlation between students’ motivation in learning English and their writing ability in descriptive text at the eighth grade of MTsN 01 North Lampung. This research used correlational research. Simple random sampling technique was applied to select the sample. Population of this research was eighth grade at MTsN 01 North Lampung which consist of 211 students. The total sample of this research was 37 students. The research instrument used to collect the data were questionnaire and writing test. There are 29 valid items. Value of reliability in questionnaire rcount was greater than rtable (0,84 > 0,329) and Value of reliability in writing test . In analyzing the data 0,830. the researcher was used Pearson Product Moment formula. The result of this research showed that Ha is accepted with the result of hypothesis test rcount is higher than rtable which is 0,421 > 0,325. furthermore, the result of t-test was tcount is higher than ttable which is 2.98 ˃ 2.03, it means that there is significant correlation between students’ motivation and their writing ability descriptive text at the eighth grade of MTsN 01 North Lampung academic year 2022/2023.


Abstrak : Masalah pada penelitian ini, yaitu berkaitan dengan penggunaan ejaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan penggunaan ejaan bahasa Indonesia: huruf kapital, huruf miring, singkatan, akronim, tanda  titik, dan tanda koma pada iklan display dalam surat kabar harian Tribun Lampung bulan April—Mei 2021. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode kualitatif. Kemudian, hasil dari analisis di dalam 30 surat kabar harian Tribun Lampung bulan April—Mei 2021 terdapat 1036 penggunaan ejaan bahasa Indonesia: huruf kapital, huruf miring, singkatan, akronim, tanda titik, dan tanda koma. Melalui analisis ini diharapkan penerbit lebih memaksimalkan ketelitiannya dalam menggunakan ejaan bahasa Indonesia yang benar ketika menulis iklan display. Hal itu dilakukan untuk meminimalisasi kurangnya pemahaman pembaca terhadap penggunaan ejaan bahasa Indonesia pada iklan display dalam surat kabar harian Tribun Lampung.


English is one of the most commonly used as a language of communication of people from different country. Vocabulary is one of the important components in English. Having a lot of vocabulary makes it easier for someone, especially students in the process of learning English. Students who do not have enough vocabulary can difficult to convey or understand the meaning of sentence. The strategy can be done by the teacher or the students themselves. Media is an effective strategy to increase vocabulary, one of the ways is by watching English movie as a habit.  This study aimed to determine  the correlation between students’ habit watching   English movie and their vocabulary mastery at the eleventh grade of SMKN 02 Kotabumi. This research used correlational research. Simple random sampling technique was applied to select the sample. Population of this research was eleventh grade at SMKN 02 Kotabumi which consist of 323 students. The total sample of this research was 48 students. The research instrument used to collect the data were multiple choices test and questionnaire. There are 27 valid items of total multiple choice  and questionnaire there are 31 items were valid. Value of reliability in multiple choice  rcount was greater than rtable   (0,86 > 0,329) and value of reliability in questionnaire rcount was greater than rtable   (0,84 > 0,329). In analyzing the data, the researcher was used Pearson Product Moment formula. The result of this research showed that Ha is accepted with the result of hypothesis test rcount is higher than rtable which is 0.483 ˃ 0.284. furthermore, the result of t-test was tcount is higher than ttable which is 3.53 ˃ 2.01, it means that there is significant correlation between students’ habit in watching English movie and their vocabulary mastery at the eleventh grade of SMKN 02 Kotabumi academic year 2021/2022.


This research is about error analysis of grammatical error in writing narrative text at the eight grade students of junior high school 04 Kotabumi academic year 2021/2022. The objectives of this research were to investigate about the types of students error found in writing narrative text and to investigate the most dominant error found of students' in writing narrative text at the eight grade students of junior high school 04 Kotabumi. The instrument of the research was test data. The research methodology was descriptive qualitative. The subjects of the study were the eight grade students of SMPN 04 Kotabumi. The data were collected from students narrative writing, and interview. The result of this research showed that there are four types of errors that occur; they are error of ommission, error of addition, error of misformation and error of misordering. From the data analysis the researcher found that the most dominant error that is error of misformation with total 116 errors. Error of misformation relates to the use of the wrong form of the morpheme or structure. This was because of the students' lack of knowledge in grammatical writing skill. Error of omission relates to the absence of an item that must appear in a well-formed utterance. Error of addition relates to the presence of an item that must not appear in well-formed utterances. Error of misordering relates to the incorrect placement of a morpheme or group of morphemes in an utterance. Therefore, this present study suggests that the English teachers will often make correction and provide further explanation and also feedback on students' grammatical error during the learning process.


Masalah yang dibahas dalam skripsi ini adalah analisis morfem bebas dan morfem terikat pada lirik lagu album Ebiet G. Ade “Camelia IV” sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan morfem bebas dan morfem terikat pada lirik lagu album Ebit G. Ade “Camelia IV” sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif pendekatan kualitatif. Album yang dipilih karya Ebiet G. Ade yaitu “Camelia IV” yang berjumlah 10 lagu. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan ditemukan ada 284 data yang di dalamnya terdapat morfem bebas dan morfem terikat prefiks, infiks, sufiks, dan konfiks. Morfem bebas sudah memikili makna tanpa harus bergabung dengan morfem lain, sedangkan morfem terikat harus bergabung dengan morfem lain agar dapat memiliki makna. Berdasarkan tiga aspek penting dalam bahan ajar, lirik lagu album Ebiet G. Ade “Camelia IV” telah memenuhi kriteria bahan ajar, yaitu aspek bahasa, aspek psikologis, dan aspek latar belakang peserta

Analisis Afiksasi pada Lirik Lagu Rizky Febian dalam Album Jejak sebagai Alternatif Bahan Ajar di Sekolah Menengah Atas

Masalah yang dibahas pada penelitian ini adalah bagaimana afiksasi pada lirik lagu dalam album Jejak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan afiksasi pada lirik lagu Rizky Febian dalam album Jejak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data yang digunakan diambil dari lirik lagu Rizky Febian pada album Jejak. Teori yang digunakan adalah afiksasi pada morfologi bahasa Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 74 data penggunaan afiksasi dalam lirik lagu Rizky Febian. Sufiks memperoleh sebanyak 37 data, prefiks sebanyak 32 data, konfiks sebanyak 5 data, dan infiks sebanyak 1 data. Lirik lagu Rizky Febian dalam album Jejak sesuai dengan tiga aspek penting pemilihan bahan ajar sehingga lirik lagu dalam album tersebut layak dijadikan sebagai bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas.

Students' Ability in Using Punctuation in Narrative Text at the Fourth Semester of English Education Study Program in Muhammadiyah Kotabumi University Academic Year 2021/2022

The researcher was interested in carrying out a research entitled; Students’ Ability in Using Punctuation in Narrative Text at the Fourth Semester of English Education Study Program in Muhammadiyah Kotabumi University Academic Year 2021/2022. The purpose of this study was to describe students’ ability in using punctuation in narrative text at the fourth semester of English Education study program in Muhammadiyah Kotabumi University academic year 2021/2022. This type of research is descriptive quantitative research. This research was conducted in the fourth semester of English Education Study Program Muhammadiyah Kotabumi University academic year 2021/2022 with a total population and sample of 44 students determined by the total sampling technique. The instrument used in this study and the data collection was a test. The researcher analyzed the data by giving students’ test scores and calculating the scores and frequency of ability classifications. After that, the researcher analyzed the data to determine the students’ ability in using punctuation in narrative text at the fourth semester of English education study program in Muhammadiyah Kotabumi University academic year 2021/2022. The results of the analysis showed that there were 3 students or 7% of students are categorized as excellent, 20 students or 45% are categorized as good, 21 students or 48% students are categorized as fair, and finally there were no students or 0 students are categorized as low and failed. It can be concluded that the students’ ability in using punctuation in narrative text at the fourth semester of English education study program in Muhammadiyah Kotabumi University academic year 2021/2022 is fairly good.   Peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian yang berjudul; Kemampuan Mahasiswa Menggunakan Tanda Baca pada Teks Narasi Semester IV Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan siswa dalam menggunakan tanda baca dalam teks naratif pada semester IV program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi tahun ajaran 2021/2022. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada semester IV Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi tahun ajaran 2021/2022 dengan jumlah populasi dan sampel sebanyak 44 mahasiswa yang ditentukan dengan teknik total sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dan pengumpulan datanya adalah tes. Peneliti menganalisis data dengan memberikan nilai tes siswa dan menghitung skor dan frekuensi klasifikasi kemampuan. Setelah itu, peneliti menganalisis data untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa dalam menggunakan tanda baca dalam teks naratif pada semester empat program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris di Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi tahun ajaran 2021/2022. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat 3 siswa atau 7% siswa dikategorikan sangat baik, 20 siswa atau 45% dikategorikan baik, 21 siswa atau 48% siswa dikategorikan cukup, dan terakhir tidak ada siswa atau 0 siswa dikategorikan rendah dan gagal. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan siswa dalam menggunakan tanda baca dalam teks naratif pada semester IV program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris di Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi tahun ajaran 2021/2022 cukup baik.

The Factors Affecting the Second Semester Students' Reading Interest of English Education of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi University

Reading is very important in our lives, especially for students. Reading not only provides knowledge, but also makes students think critically. Therefore, reading should be the main activity for students. This study aims to describe the factors that influence reading interest in second semester students of English education. The research design in this study is a qualitative approach method. Researcher used interview and questionnaire data collection techniques in the study. Researcher distributed questionnaires to 37 students of the English Department to determine the level of interest in reading and took 2 students with the highest level and 2 students with the lowest level to be interviewed. To answer the research questions, the researcher used semi-structured interviews to find out the factors that influenced their reading interest. After collecting data, the results of the interviews were analyzed. The results of this study indicate that several factors that influence their reading interest are: 1) intelligence factor, 2) attitude factor, 3) psychological need factor, and 4) lecturer's influence factor. Based on the results of the study, the researchers concluded that the factors that influence the second semester students' reading interest mostly come from within themselves, meaning that they already have an interest in reading, so that students can develop factors that influence their reading interest from the outside very well. such as factors originating from within students having an enthusiastic attitude when meeting reading materials, it would be better to develop factors originating from outside students by having reading materials available at home, or visiting libraries or other bookstores. In addition, factors that come from outside, namely the influence of lecturers can also help them to grow their interest in reading by giving several assignments that require lots of references and lots of reading, asking them to make summaries, and so on. Key Words: Factors Affecting, Reading, Interest

Analysis of English Code Switching by Lecturer in Public Speaking Class of English Education Study Program at Muhammadiyah Kotabumi University

Abstract: Code switching is a transition from one language to another and a common phenomenon in bilingual society. This research discussed the practice of code switching carried out by lecturer of the Public Speaking course. The purpose of this research was to analyze the types, functions, and reasons what Public Speaking lecturer used during the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The data in this research were obtained from the analysis of the lecturer of the Public Speaking course through observations and interview used qualitative descriptive methods. The results of the analysis of this research indicated that there were three types of code switching that occurred: Tag-Switching 23 times, Inter-sentential Switching 71 times, and Intra-sentential Switching 57 times, and the types that occured most often was Inter-Sentential Switching 71 times. There were 3 code switching functions that found in this research: Topic Switch 11 times, Affective Function 19 times, and Repetitive Function 24 times. There were also found 4 reasons for the practiced of code switching carried out by Public Speaking lecturer: Talking about Particular topics, Interjection, Repetition for Clarification, and Intention of Clarifying. Furthermore, this article is expected to contribute in knowledge related to code switching for further research. Keywords: Code Switching, Bilingual, Speaking

An Analysis of the Students' Difficulties in Changing Active to Passive Sentence at the Second Grade of SMKN 2 Kotabumi Academic year 2022/2023

ABSTRACT   The students are sometimes had difficulties in learning active and passive sentence. When the students learn it, they had difficulty in understanding active and passive sentence. The purpose of this study was to find out the students’ difficulties in changing active to passive sentence at second grade of SMK Negeri 2 Kotabumi in academic year 2022/2023. The researcher used a descriptive qualitative research method.  The source of the data for this research were taken from the second grade of management one class in SMKN 2 Kotabumi. The technique of data collection in this research were interview and documentation.  The results of this study showed that the students had difficulties in changing active to passive sentence. Based on the result of interview and documentation of the data, the researcher found that 10 students had difficulty in using auxiliary verb. 10 students also had difficulty in using past participle. Then, 7 students also had difficulties in changing subject and object, The researcher found that the most dominant kind in this research was difficulty in changing auxiliary verb and difficulty in changing  past participle. Keywords: Passive Sentence, Analysis, Students’ Difficulties                                   ABSTRAK   Siswa terkadang memiliki kesulitan dalam mempelajari kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif. Ketika siswa mempelajarinya, mereka memiliki kesulitan dalam memahami kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesulitan siswa dalam mengubah kalimat aktif ke kalimat pasif pada siswa kelas dua di SMK Negeri 2 Kotabumi pada tahun ajaran 2022/2023. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Sumber data penelitian ini diambil dari siswa kelas dua perkantoran satu di SMKN 2 Kotabumi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu interview dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa siswa memiliki kesulitan dalam mengubah kalimat aktif ke kalimat pasif. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan data dokumentasi, peneliti menemukan bahwa 10 siswa memiliki kesulitan dalam menggunakan auxiliary verb. 10 siswa juga memiliki kesulitan dalam menggunakan past participle. Kemudian, siswa juga memiliki kesulitan dalam mengubah subjek and objek. Terdapat 10 siswa mengalami kesalahan dalam mengubah subjek dan objek. Peneliti juga menemukan bahwa jenis kesulitan yang paling dominan di penelitian ini adalah kesulitan dalam menggunakan auxiliary verb dan kesulitan dalam menggunakan past participle. Kata Kunci : Kalimat Pasif, Analisis, Kesulitan Siswa


Masalah psikoanalisis itu terkait dengan kehidupan setiap manusia. Freud menggambarkan sistem kepribadaian manusia seperti gunung es, id berada di dasar. Id tidak dapat mengontrol nafsu dan batasan diri, adanya ego untuk menyeimbangkan antara id (alam bawah sadar) dan superego (alam sadar). Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mendeskripsikan aspek psikologi yang terdapat dalam tokoh pada novel Mihrab Cinta The Romance karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di SMA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam pengumpulan data, analisis ini menggunakan teknik pengodean dan pencatatan dengan penuh ketelitian dan ketekunan. Psikoanalisis dalam sastra dapat membantu pemahaman seseorang dalam mengkaji masalah psike/kejiwaan tokoh dalam novel. Dalam novel ditemukan 72 data terkait id 24 data, ego 24 data, dan superego 24 data. Setelah mendeskripsikan unsur psikologi, selanjutkan penentuan cocok atau tidaknya novel ini dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di SMA. K Katakunci : psikoanalisis, novel, pembelajaran  

Analisis Nilai Sosial pada Novel Jentera Lepas karya Ashadi Siregar sebagai Alternatif Bahan Ajar di Sekolah Menengah Atas

Abstrak: Masalah dalam penelitian ini ialah nilai sosial pada novel Jentera Lepas karya Ashadi Siregar sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan Nilai Sosial pada novel Jentera Lepas karya Ashadi Siregar sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Metode yang digunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan tiga puluh delapan kutipan. Novel Jentera Lepas karya Ashadi Siregar dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas karena ditinjau dari aspek bahasa, psikologi, dan latar belakang sosial budaya siswa telah memenuhi kriteria bahan ajar.   Kata Kunci: nilai sosial, novel Jentera Lepas, bahan ajar

Analisis tindak tutur langsung dan tindak tutur tidak langsung pada novel Arah Langkah karya Fiersa Besari sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas

Penelitian ini mengenai “Analisis Tindak Tutur Langsung dan Tindak Tutur Tidak Langsung pada Novel Arah Langkah Karya Fiersa Besari sebagai Alternatif Bahan Ajar di Sekolah Menengah Atas”. Tindak Tutur Langsung dan Tindak Tutur Tidak Langsung merupakan tindak tutur yang berfungsi untuk mengatakan atau menginformasikan sesuatu dan dipergunakan untuk melakukan sesuatu. Masalah yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan makna kalimat yang ingin disampaikan melalui tindak tutur langsung dan tindak tutur tidak langsung dalam novel Arah Langkah karya Fiersa Besari sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, penggunaan metode deskriptif dalam penelitian ini untuk menguraikan tindak tutur langsung dan tindak tutur tidak langsung berdasarkan kriteria yang terdapat dalam novel Arah Langkah Karya Fiersa Besari. Data penelitian dideskripsikan berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang tampil sebagai mana adanya. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah tuturan pada percakapan dalam novel Arah Langkah karya Fiersa Besari yang mengandung tindak tutur langsung dan tindak tutur tidak langsung. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, diketahui bahwa tindak tutur langsung dan tindak tutur tidak langsung yang ada dalam novel Arah Langkah karya Fiersa Besari ditemukan 72 kutipan. Data tindak tutur berdasarkan jenisnya, yaitu tindak tutur langsung sebanyak 65 yang dibagi menjadi 3 jenis yaitu tindak tutur langsung berita sebanyak 11 kutipan, tindak tutur langsung tanya sebanyak 44 kutipan, tindak tutur langsung perintah sebanyak 10 kutipan dan tindak tutur tidak langsung sebanyak 7 kutipan yang dibagi menjadi 2 jenis yaitu tindak tutur tidak langsung berita sebanyak 6 kutipan dan tindak tutur tidak langsung tanya sebanyak 1 kutipan. Berdasarkan kriteria pemilihan bahan ajar, novel Arah Langkah Karya Fiersa Besari memenuhi kriteria yang baik sehingga layak dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas.  


Abstrak: Masalah yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah implikatur percakapan dalam novel Orang-Orang Biasa karya Andrea Hirata sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implikatur percakapan dalam novel tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan 59 data implikatur percakapan, yaitu implikatur konvensional dan implikatur nonkonvensional. Dari aspek pemilihan bahan ajar, novel Orang-Orang Biasa karya Andrea Hirata telah memenuhi kriteria yang baik sehingga layak dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar bagi siswa di sekolah menengah atas. Kata kunci: Implikatur Percakapan, novel Orang-Orang Biasa. Abstract: The problem discussed in this research is the conversational implicature in the novel Orang-Orang Biasa by Andrea Hirata as an alternative teaching material in high school. This study aims to describe the conversational implicature in the novel. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study found 59 conversational implicature data on convetional and non-covenntional implicatures. From the aspect of teaching materials, novel Orang-Orang Biasa by Andrea Hirata have met good criteria so that they are worthy of being used as an alternative teaching materials for students in high school. Keywords: Conversational Implicature, novel Orang-Orang Biasa.

Students’ Learning Strategies in Writing at the Eighth Semester Students of Muhammadiyah University of Kotabumi

This study focuses on knowing the learning strategies used by students in Writing. Three types of  strategy: metacognitive, cognitive and social affective learning strategies. This study aims to determine the learning strategies used by each student in the writing class and the second objective is to determine which learning strategies are dominantly used by them in the writing class. The method used in this study is a quantitative descriptive research method, with the research variable is learning strategies and a population of 48 Eighth Semester Students of English Education Study Program at Muhammadiyah University Kotabumi academic year 2021/2022. Samples were taken from the entire population using saturated sampling techniques. Having collected data by using a closed questionnaire with the Likert scale method, the data then analyzed by using statistical data consisting mean, median, mode and standard deviation. The result of the analysis showed that there are 22 students (45.8%) use metacognitive: 14 students (29.2%) used cognitive; 11 students (22.9%) use social affective. The analysis also showed  variations involving two types of strategies, namely metacognitive-cognitive consisting of 1 student (2.1%). Thus, dominant learning strategies used by students in the Writing class in the eighth semester of the English Language Education Study Program at Muhammadiyah University Kotabumi for the academic year 2021/2022 is metacognitive which are used by 22 students with a percentage of reaching (45.8%).  

A Study on Students’ Perceptions toward the Roles Social Media to Learn English as a Foreign Language

Abstract: In today's digital era there are many types of social media that are popular and provide foreign language learning content, especially English. Seeing the existing phenomenon, that social media has become a necessity that is difficult to avoid using, it is very important to know their perceptions of the social media they use to learn English. This study aims to find out what types of social media they use, their perceptions of the social media they use, as well as aspects of the skills they can improve from the social media they use to learn English. This research is a qualitative research. In this study, researchers used interview instruments. The results of this study found 5 social media that they most often use to learn English, namely YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Researchers found positive perceptions, but found challenges that they also experience when using social media such as limited duration, inappropriate advertisements and internet connection problems, then researchers also found aspects of English skills that they could improve, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. In addition, students can add knowledge of grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. So it can be concluded that social media has a positive role in helping students learn English. Keywords: Perception, social media, learning English   Abstrak: Di era digital saat ini banyak sekali jenis-jenis sosial media yang popular dan menyediakan konten pembelajaran Bahasa asing khususnya Bahasa Inggris. Melihat fenomena yang ada, bahwa media sosial sudah menjadi suatu kebutuhan yang sulit untuk dihindari penggunaannya, Sangat penting untuk mengetahui persepsi mereka terhadap media sosial yang mereka gunakan untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis media sosial apa saja yang mereka gunakan, persepsi mereka terhadap media sosial yang mereka gunakan, serta aspek skill yang dapat mereka tingkatkan dari media sosial yang mereka gunakan untuk mempelajari Bahasa Inggris, Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan instrumen wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan 5 media sosial yang paling sering mereka gunakan untuk belajar Bahasa inggris yaitu YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook dan Twiter. Peneliti menemukan persepsi positif, tetapi menemukan tantangan yang mereka alami juga ketika menggunakan media sosial seperti durasi yang terbatas, iklan tidak pantas dan masalah koneksi internet, kemudian peneliti juga menemukan aspek skill Bahasa inggris yang dapat mereka tingkatkan yaitu listening, speaking, reading dan writing. Selain itu siswa dapat menambah pengetahuan grammar, pronounciation dan vocabulary. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa media sosial memiliki peran positif dalam membantu siswa mempelajari Bahasa Inggris. Kata Kunci: Persepsi, media sosial, pembelajaran Bahasa inggris

Students' Perceptions of Online English Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Class XI Students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 North Lampung

Abstract: Online learning is a distance learning process without meeting face to face in the study room, so that the delivery of material uses electronic media and the internet as access in the learning process. In the learning process there are several factors that affect the effectiveness in the learning process, one of which is student perception. Perception is a person's view or opinion about an object being observed, which can interpret or conclude an event and the object. This is achieved through the process of judging a person by applying sensations to objects around him. Everyone can give a different perception because it all depends on the perception process of everyone. Therefore, this research aims to determine students' perceptions of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study uses a quantitative descriptive analysis method with a research instrument in the form of a questionnaire distributed online with the help of google form and a population of 32 eleventh grade students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 North Lampung. Samples were taken from all population data using total sampling technique. Based on the results of data analysis using statistical data analysis methods, the results of the study indicate that students' perceptions of online English learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in eleventh grade students of Madrasah Aliyah Negri 2 North Lampung in the 2020/2021 academic year fall into the category of Very Positive 13% or 4 students, Positive category 3% or 9 students, Currently category 53% or 17 students, Negative 25% or 8 students and Very Negative category 0% or 0 students. So, it can be said that the perception of the eleventh graders students of Madrasah Aliyah Negri 2 is in the Currently category.  

Analisis Gaya Bahasa Perbandingan dan Pertentangan pada Novel Rapijali 1 karya Dee Lestari sebagai Alternatif Bahan Ajar di Sekolah Menengah Atas

Masalah yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah gaya bahasa perbandingan dan pertentangan yang terdapat pada novel Rapijali 1 karya Dee Lestari sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan gaya bahasa perbandingan dan pertentangan serta melihat apakah novel Rapijali 1 dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan 69 kutipan gaya bahasa. Jenis gaya bahasa yang dominan dalam novel Rapijali 1 karya Dee Lestari yaitu gaya bahasa perbandingan perumpamaan dan hiperbola. Dari aspek bahan ajar, novel Rapijali 1 karya Dee Lestari telah memenuhi kriteria yang baik sehingga layak dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar bagi siswa di sekolah menengah atas.

Analisis Morfem Bebas dan Morfem Terikat pada Album Gitar Klasik Tunggal Karya Supirman As sebagai Alternatif Bahan Ajar di Sekolah Menengah Atas

Masalah yang dibahas dalam artikel ini adalah bagaimana morfem bebas dan terikat pada album Gitar Klasik Tunggal karya Supirmana As sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan morfem bebas dan terikat pada lirik lagu album Gitar Klasik Tunggal karya Supirmana As. Penelitian ini bermanfaat untuk menambah wawasan dalam pemahaman berbahasa Lampung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan menguraikan hasil dalam bentuk kata-kata. Digunakan 12 lirik lagu album Gitar Klasik Tunggal karya Supirman As sebagai sumber data dalam penelitian ini. Pada penelitian ini telah ditemukan 725 data yang di dalamnya terdapat morfem bebas dan morfem terikat (prefiks, sufiks, konfiks dan klofiks). Seluruh data yang diperoleh akan analisis sesuai dengan makna. Jumlah morfem bebas yang ditemukan 664 data sedangkan morfem terikat 61 data. Dalam menentukan bahan ajar harus disesuaikan dengan tiga aspek bahan ajar, lirik lagu pada album Gitar Klasik Tunggal karya Supirman As telah sesuai dengan kriteria pemiihan bahan ajar. Oleh karena itu, lirik lagu tersebut layak untuk dijadikan sebagai salah satu alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas.

Analisis Konteks pada Novel Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2 Karya Asma Nadia sebagai Alternatif Bahan Ajar di Sekolah Menengah Atas

Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini ialah konteks dalam novel Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2 karya Asma Nadia sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah mendeskripsikan konteks yang terdapat pada novel Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2 karya Asma Nadia serta menentukan layak atau tidaknya novel tersebut dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan 240 data analisis konteks SPEAKING dalam novel Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2 karya Asma Nadia. Berdasarkan kriteria pemilihan bahan ajar, novel Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2 karya Asma Nadia layak dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar bahasa Indonesia di SMA karena telah memenuhi tiga aspek, yaitu bahasa, psikologi, dan latar sosial budaya


Seprina. 2022. Analisis Makna Idiomatikal pada Kumpulan Puisi Jalan Sunyi Karya Isbedy Stiawan Zs sebagai Alternatif Bahan Ajar di Sekolah Menengah Atas. Skripsi, Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi-Lampung. Pembimbing (1) Dr. Sumarno, M.Pd. (2) Dewi Ratnaningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd.   Masalah yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah makna idiomatikal yang terdapat pada kumpulan puisi Jalan Sunyi karya Isbedy Stiawan Zs sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan makna idiomatikal pada penulisan karya seni dan karya ilmiah yang terdapat pada kumpulan puisi Jalan Sunyi karya Isbedy Stiawan Zs. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan 48 data makna idiomatik pada makna idiomatikal penuh dan makna idiomatikal sebagian. Dari aspek bahan ajar, puisi Jalan Sunyi karya Isbedy Stiawan Zs dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar bagi siswa di sekolah menengah atas.   kata kunci: Makna Idiomatikal, Puisi, Jalan Sunyi, Isbedy Stiawan Zs.   Seprina 2022. Analysis of the idiomatic meaning of the poerty collection Street Silent by Isbedy Stiawan Zs Alternative for High School Teaching Materials. Thesis, Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi- Lampung. Supervisor (1) Dr. Sumarno, M.Pd. (2) Dewi Ratnaningsih S.Pd., M.Pd.   The problem discussed in this study is the idiomatic meaning contained in the collection of poetry Jalan Sunyi by Isbedy Stiawan Zs as an alternative teaching material in high school. This study aims to describe the idiomatic meaning and distinguish the writing of artistic and scientific works contained in the collection of poetry Jalan Sunyi by Isbedy Stiawan Zs. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study found 48 idiomatic meaning data on full idiomatic meaning and partial idiomatic meaning. From the aspect of teaching materials, the poem Jalan Sunyi by Isbedy Stiawan Zs has met good alternative teaching material for students in high school. keywords: Idiomatic Meaning, Poetry, Sunyi Street, Isbedy Stiawan Zs.       

Analisis Penggunaan Konjungsi Koordinatif dan Konjungsi Subordinatif dalam Novel Selamat Tinggal Karya Tere Liye sebagai Alternatif Bahan Ajar di Sekolah Menenfah Atas

Abstrak: Penelitian ini mengenai penggunaan konjungsi koordinatif dan konjungsi subordinatif dalam novel Selamat Tinggal karya Tere Liye sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan konjungsi koordinatif dan konjungsi subordinatif dalam novel Selamat Tinggal karya Tere Liye dan kelayakan untuk dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menegah atas. Metode yang digunakan, yaitu metode deskriptif melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan menguraikan hasil penelitian dalam bentuk deskripsi. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan novel Selamat Tinggal Karya Tere Liye sebagai sumber data. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan ditemukan 969 data, konjungsi koordinatif lebih banyak ditemukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu sebanyak 659 data dan pada konjungsi subordinatif ditemukan 310 data. Berkaitan dengan tiga aspek penting dalam pemilihan bahan ajar, yaitu aspek bahasa, aspek psikologi, dan aspek latar belakang budaya, novel Selamat Tinggal Karya Tere Liye telah memenuhi kriteria bahan ajar yang baik. Oleh karena itu, novel Selamat Tinggal Karya Tere Liye layak untuk dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Abstract: This research is about the use of coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions in the novel Goodbye by Tere Liye as an alternative teaching material in high school. The purpose of this research is to describe coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions in Tere Liye's novel Goodbye and its feasibility as an alternative teaching material in senior high schools. The method used is descriptive method through a qualitative approach by describing the research results in the form of a description. This study used Tere Liye's novel Goodbye as a data source. The results of the research that has been carried out found 969 data, coordinative conjunctions were more commonly found in this study, namely as many as 659 data and in subordinative conjunctions found 310 data. In connection with three important aspects in the selection of teaching materials, namely language aspects, psychological aspects and aspects of cultural background, Tere Liye's Goodbye novel has met the criteria of good teaching materials. Therefore, Tere Liye's Goodbye novel deserves to be used as an alternative learning material in high school.

Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran Berbantuan Aplikasi ProShow Pada Materi Statistika di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 7 Lampung Utara

Good learning outcomes are learning outcomes that have met the minimum completion criteria (kkm). However, there are still learning outcomes at the State Junior High School 7 North Lampung that have not met the kkm, especially in statistics materials. This is due to the lack of interest and attention of students to the material provided through the learning media used so that the development of learning media in the form of learning videos is needed. This study aims to develop media in the form of learning videos assisted by statistical material proshow applications based on expert feasibility test assessments. The research and development method used is the ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) model. The use of the ADDIE model in research and development is limited to the ADD (analysis, design, and development) stage. This is due to time constraints in the implementation of research. The data analysis techniques used in this study are quantitative data analysis techniques and qualitative data. The results of this study are (1) the development of learning videos is obtained through three stages, namely analysis, design, and development. (2) the result of the material expert assessment is 91.6% with the criteria of "very feasible". (3) the results of the media expert assessment are 98% with the criteria of "very feasible". (4) the result of the linguist's assessment was 74.5% with the "feasible" criteria. Based on the assessment of experts, media in the form of proshow-assisted learning videos on class VIII statistics material at the State Junior High School 7 North Lampung is suitable for use as a instructional media.

Hubungan Antara Kecerdasan Spasial Dengan Hasil Belajar Matematika Materi Bangun Ruang Kelas VIII MTs N 2 Lampung Utara

Spatial intelligence is a student's ability to understand, imagine and create an object of images and graphics by using the mind to imagine through the sense of sight. In reality, at MTs Negeri 2 Kotabumi, students' understanding of illustrating building space is still not optimal, the lack of props in learning that are used to explain the material as well as trigger students' imagination in imagining a building space The low student learning outcomes can be influenced by students' spatial intelligence. This study aims to determine the relationship between spatial intelligence and mathematics results on the material of building space for class VIII students of MTs Negeri 2 Lampung Utara in the 2021/2022 academic year. The data analysis technique used is the Pearson product moment correlation analysis technique. For data analysis using the correlation between spatial intelligence (X) and the learning outcomes of building space (Y) obtained rxy of 0.964 and r table = 0.344 with the criteria Accept Ha if r count more than r table. Based on the results of the study, it shows that there is a significant relationship between the relationship between spatial intelligence and math results in the material of building space for class VIII students of MTs Negeri 2 Lampung Utara in the 2021/2022 academic year.


Abstract: Listening is one most basic things in communication. Student must be mastered this ability to be able to receive information properly and correctly. So, there is no misunderstanding, between the informer and the recepient of the information. With another words, listening is one of most important things in communication. Without have good unwritten text. Therefore, we need difficulty accepting the information in the form of voice listening skills. One of the technique which can be used is Three-step Interview Technique. This technique as technique interviewing provides students with opportunities ti develop their abilities communicating. Students can learn and practice to improve their abilities in listening to be good. Students can also play an active role in current class activities using this technique.        

Descriptive Study of the Students' Reading Comprehension Under the Implementation of Online Learning at the Eleventh Science Grade of SMA Negeri 3 Kotabumi North Lampung Academic Year 2020/2021

Reading is one of the four skills in English which is very important to be mastered by students. This research is a descriptive quantitative research, with the purpose to investigating how students reading comprehension in the application of online learning in the class of XI science at SMA Negeri 3 Kotabumi North Lampung Academic Year 2020/2021. The population in this research were all students of class XI science SMA Negeri 3 Kotabumi academic year 2020/2021 which consist of six classes and total member of students were 203 students and researcher took class XI science 1 as sample which were 33 students. The research used purposive sampling technique. Some considerations namely by considering the saving in costs, time, and energy and the selection of a representative sample of the population. The instrument used to collect data in the form of a multiple choice test consisting 40 items to collect the try out data and 25 said valid to collect the research data. The data analysis shows that rcount (0.702) > from rtable (0.540). In conclusion, students reading comprehension in the implementation of online learning in class XI at SMA Negeri 3 Kotabumi North Lampung Academic Year 2020/2021 was effective.


Abstract: literature can be defined as ‘imaginative’ writing in the sense of fiction.” It means that literature is an imaginative mindset which came from the sense of someone’s imagination or the real events that may happen in the real life, of course, with its own tricky word. Beside, literature has its own soul and power that makes it different from other writing forms.In this pandemic COVID 19 situation too many people read novel in online website like webtoon and watpad or printed novel like harry potter, assasins creed and ayat-ayat cinta. They read novel just have only purpose to entertain theirself.  In every novel there meaning in some chapter to deliver writer to reader. That thing called in linguistic called pragmatics.One of famous literature is novel, in novel there is lingustic called presupposition. Presupposition as one of the properties of language which impinges on reader or listeners’ understanding of facts and even through using subtle linguistic devices and constructions is considered an argumentative and Presupposition are produced by particular words or construction, together sometimes called triggers. Type of presupposition consist is existential presupposition, factive presupposition, lexical presupposition, structural presupposition, non-factive presupposition, counter factual presupposition, relative and adverbial. Example take from 2 novel consisr eight utterance, prepossition produced in novel concist harry potter deathly hallows there existential presupposition and factive presupposition. Then in another novel heath of darkness there some presupposition that was existential presupposition, factive presupposition,lexical presupposition, structural presupposition, counter factual presupposition.


Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah nilai moral pada kumpulan puisi Mantra Sang Nabi karya Edy Samudra Kertagama sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai moral pada kumpulan puisi Mantra Sang Nabi karya Edy Samudra Kertagama sebagai alternatif bahan ajar di sekolah menengah atas. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Analisis data didasarkan pada hubungan pribadi denganTuhan, hubungan pribadi dengan masyarakat, dan hubungan pribadi dengan lingkungan. Hasil penelitian ditemukan nilai moral yang terdapat dalam kumpulan puisi Mantra Sang Nabi karyaEdy Samudra Kertagamasebanyak 45 data yang terdiri atas nilai moral hubungan pribadi dengan Tuhan, nilai moral hubungan pribadi dengan masyarakat, dan nilai moral hubungan pribadi dengan lingkungan. Pertama, terdapat tujuh data mengandungnilai moral hubungan pribadi dengan Tuhan. Kedua, terdapat 18 data yang mengandung nilai moral hubungan pribadi dengan manusia. Ketiga, terdapat 20 data yang mengandung nilai moral hubungan pribadi dengan lingkungan. Dari hasil penelitian  yang diperoleh kumpulan puisi Mantra Sang Nabi  karya Edy Samudra Kertagama dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar sastra di  sekolah menengah atas berdasarkan aspek bahasa, psikologi, dan latar belakang budaya siswa.


Abstract: The aim of this research  were to find the types of figurative languages in Justin Bieber album Believe and figured out the conceptual meaning, also figure out what is the most dominant type is used in lyrics songs in Justin Bieber album Believe. Ten songs were chosen in album Believe Justin Bieber which were to be considered suitable for students. The technique of this research were by reading and listening Justin Bieber's song lyrics album Believe, identifying and interpreting data based on conceptual meaning, inventorying which put number in each lyrics to count how many types of figurative in each song, classifying which  had purpose to divided the lyrics into types of figurative languages, reporting which aimed to made  conclusion based on the data that had been analysed such as result of finding types of figurative languages in Justin Bieber song in album Believe. Based on research finding, six types of figurative languages were found in this research which were metaphor, simile, hyperbole, allusion, repetition, and personification. Most types of figurative that found in this research was repetition. Another finding research was conceptual meaning which were variation, such as encouragement, persuasion, confusion, admirer, and struggle of  love. Keywords: Figurative Language, Types of Figurative Language.

Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbantuan Powtoon terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Materi Segitiga dan Segiempat Kelas VII Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Kurangnya penggunaan media pembelajaran untuk mengilustrasikan bentuk abstrak kebentuk kongkret, membuat peserta didik kurang memahami konsep pada materi segitiga dan segiempat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbantuan powtoon  terhadap pemahaman konsep materi segitiga dan segiempat kelas VII SMP Negeri 10 Kotabumi. Metode penilitan dan pengembangan menggunakan model Sugiyono, namun pada penelitian ini dibatasi hanya sampai 7 tahap yaitu sampai tahap revisi produk II. Setelah dilakukan penelitian dan pengembangan media pembelajaran berbantuan powtoon mendapatkan hasil dengan persentase sebagai berikut: ahli materi (78%) “layak, tanpa revisi”, ahli media (93%) “sangat layak tanpa revisi, ahli bahasa (97%) “sangat layak, tanpa revisi”, praktisi pendidikan (100%) “sangat layak tanpa revisi”, respon peserta didik (86%) “sangat layak, tanpa revisi”. Berdasakan hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa media pembelajaran berbantuan powtoon  terhadap pemahaman konsep materi segitiga dan segiempat kelas VII SMP, layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran untuk dapat menunjang proses belajaran disekolah.  

An Analysis of Intrinsic Elements in Five Short Stories of Hans Christian Andersen’s Collection

Intrinsic element is one of the important elements in short stories. The researcher analyzed a collection of short stories by Hans Christian Andersen, namely The Snow Queen, The Emperor's New Clothes, The Fir Tree, The Real Princess and The Little Match Girl. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection is done by reading the entire short story, noting the required data. The results of data analysis show that: Character is the most important element in the short story. A collection of short stories by Hans Christian Andersen has a different character for each story. Next is the characterizations, and each short story has a different characterization. In short stories there are varied themes such as about friendship, struggle, or greed. Regarding the setting in the short story by Hans Christian Andersen, it also has different settings. There are settings of place and settings of time in each story. Meanwhile, the short stories by Hans Christian Andersen have something in common, namely that they use a chronological plot in the story. For short stories messages, there are many variations of messages in each short story. Intrinsic element is one of the important elements in short stories. The researcher analyzed a collection of short stories by Hans Christian Andersen, namely The Snow Queen, The Emperor's New Clothes, The Fir Tree, The Real Princess and The Little Match Girl. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection is done by reading the entire short story, noting the required data. The results of data analysis show that: Character is the most important element in the short story. A collection of short stories by Hans Christian Andersen has a different character for each story. Next is the characterizations, and each short story has a different characterization. In short stories there are varied themes such as about friendship, struggle, or greed. Regarding the setting in the short story by Hans Christian Andersen, it also has different settings. There are settings of place and settings of time in each story. Meanwhile, the short stories by Hans Christian Andersen have something in common, namely that they use a chronological plot in the story. For short stories messages, there are many variations of messages in each short story.

An An Analysis of Compound Words on Culinary and Cooking Terms in MasterChef Indonesia Program from Top 5 until Grand Final Session 7


ABSTRACTMorphology is a field of linguistics that studies the formation of words or morphemes in a language. One of the developments of a language is word formation by combining two or more existing words to create new meanings. The word formation in this case is called compound words. In studying linguistics, there is certainly encounter a lot of foreign terms, and one of the terms may include compound words. Therefore, some words may sound foreign to the general public. In the process of learning compound words, there is can use this as a learning medium to modify boring learning strategies in English class. Media is one of the supporting students’ learning. Therefore, this research aims to determine the types of compound words found in culinary and cooking terms in the MasterChef Indonesia program from top 5 until grand final session 7. In addition, this research also aims to identify the most dominant types used in culinary and cooking terms. This research is a qualitative research that examines the phenomenon of the use of types of compound words in culinary and cooking terms. Researcher found 20 compound words from culinary and cooking terms. From the findings of the 20 compound words, the researcher found 6 out of 7 types of compound words, including 15 attributive compounds, 1 coordinative compound and 4 subordinative compounds based on the types of semantic and grammatical relationship and also found variations from the three types above, namely 16 endocentric compounds and 4 exocentric compounds. Then, based on the types of part of speech, there are 3 verb compounds, 13 noun compounds, and 4 adjective compounds. The most dominant types of compound words are attributive compounds as many as 15.Keywords:​Compound Words, MasterChef Indonesia Program, Culinary Terms, Cooking Terms.


Learning strategies is a way to get the learning that happens to students in the on going learning process . It is used to be managed clearly to make the students comfortable. The purpose of this research is to investigate whether there is significant correlation between students learning strategies and students writing skill of the eleventh grade of MA Riyadiussalihin Bunga Mayang academic year 2021/2022. In this research, researcher used correlational study which consists of two variables, they were independent variable (learning strategies) and dependent variable (student's writing skill). The population in this research was all of the eleventh grade in MA Riyadlussalihin Bunga Mayan which consist of 20 students. Then, the total sample of this research was 20 students. The researcher used saturated sampling technique to determine the sample of the research. The instrument used to collect the data of learning strategies and students writing skill instruments were a questionnaire and a writing test. After collecting data , it was analyzed by pearson product moment to determine the correlation between two variables and t - test to determine the significant correlation between two variables Based on the analysis , it was found that rxy , is greater than ttable os , or 0.903 > 0.444 , and tobserved is greater than ttable ( 20-2) (0.05) , or 8.940-1.725 . It means that there is a significant correlation between students learning strategies and students writing skills of the eleventh grade of MA Riyadlussalihin Bunga Mayang in academic year 2021/2022.


This Classroom Action Research (CAR) is conducted in order to increase students learning activities and outcomes in the subject of Automation of Financial Governance, material for Petty Cash Management through the application of the Problem Based Learning Model in class XII OTKP-1 SMKN 2 Kotabumi, North Lampung Regency, with a total number of subjects 32 students. Conducted in two cycles, results of the analysis from pre-cycle (before being subjected to action) to the post-cycle (after being subjected to action) showed an increase in the average class score from 67.50 to 73.75 in cycle I. In cycle II the percentage of completeness increased with the average class value of 83,75. Likewise, students learning activities in Financial Governance Automation learning increased from pre-cycle to the second cycle. Based on the observations, listening activity increased from 50% to 95%, speaking from 44% to 67%, observing from 31% to 77%, writing from 56% to 77%, drawing from 44% to 66%, motor skills from 31% to 69 %, mental from 50% to 78% and emotional from 50% to 84%.

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